Monday, April 2, 2012

Honeymoon Gift Bag

There are still many people in the world who believe in abstinence before marriage, true abstinence.  My husband and I are some of those "believers" and so are my sister in law, Katie and her fiancee Luke.  There were things I wish I would have  had while on my honeymoon while experiencing "love making" for the first time.  So...I put together a little honeymoon gift bag for the happy couple.  I am sure there are other things I could have included, but I wanted to keep it clean and practical.  They can buy all the naughty things they want on their own. :)   With each item, I included a little tag of explanation.  I had some cute craft paper lying around, so I cut heart out of it for my tags and attached them with crochet thread.

I bought some orange scented lotion.  My husband actually picked out the scent because it is good for guys or girls.  The tag says, "Couple's massage?  Or just to smell good."

I ran into a friend of mine while I was at the store shopping for honeymoon items.  I told her what I was up to and she said, "You know what I wish someone would have told me?   Not to be gross or anything, but I wish someone would have told me about panty liners.  You know?"  Of course!  I totally knew what she was talking about.  The tag reads, "For Katie, you'll figure it out."  

Kissing sessions with my hubby are great, but when he hasn't shaved for a few days, it can make my face feel like it was rubbed with sandpaper.  I am sure the same goes for husbands when we don't shave our legs for a few days.  That's why I put the tag, "Just in case.  No one wants "stubble burn"".

Serious make out sessions require serious lip moisture.  The tag on these puppies reads, "For all the kissing you'll be doing".

I remember being pretty sore the day after our wedding.  We'll just leave it at that.  That is why I threw in ibuprofen.  The tag says, "In case you're sore the next day-or have a headache."

There was a jacuzzi tub in the room we stayed in our first night as newlyweds.  We were so excited and jumped in.  My Aunt had given us a gift bag of yummy treats, candles, lotion, and bath gel; so we broke out the bath gel to add to our lovely jacuzzi experience.  Well...we turned the jets on and there were so many bubbles that we couldn't find each other.  I think on this experience and know that it is fun to take a bath with your spouse, so long as the tub is big enough. :)  That's why I threw these in.  They're not romantic, but, "His and hers bath time fun".

It's easy to be a little self conscious when sleeping in bed together for the first time.  That's why I picked these up.  If you haven't seen them, they are little strips that dissolve in your mouth and freshen your breath.  "To eliminate "morning breath"".

"Honeymoons can get messy" is what this tag reads.  Love making, as wonderful as it is and can be, can also get a bit messy.  That's why it is a good idea to keep baby wipes next to the bed.

I talked to the lovely bride and asked what the couple's favorite road trip treats are.  I included some of them in the bag too.

I found this cute little reusable shopping bag at Walmart for 88 cents to put everything in.

If this is a gift you want to make for someone, be creative!  Gift cards to restaurants or cash are also pretty good things you can include.  

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